Video: Katharine McPhee sings the National Anthem at NFC Championship

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3 responses
  1. Bosso McBosso Avatar
    Bosso McBosso

    Good for her! I miss her singing very much!

  2. John Huddy Avatar
    John Huddy

    I usually engage the mute button when the national anthem is performed. Reason: it’s usually sung badly and to wretched excess by wailing and histrionic exhibitionists who take a composition of power and majesty and turn into a shrieking spectacle. In contrast our Katharine did it right, with dignity and beauty and with great attention to the inspiring story that is The Star-Spangled Banner. For that I am grateful. Well done, Katharine.

  3. Packer Fan Avatar
    Packer Fan

    Wonderful performance. Gave me chills! I am a big fan of KP!!! Nicely Done!