Tour: Katharine McPhee performs at the Zeiterion Theatre in New Bedford, MA

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6 responses
  1. jazzy Avatar

    sounds lovely, where are the videos

  2. Kevin Avatar

    I updated the post with quite a few videos. Hope you enjoy them!

  3. jazzy Avatar

    Thank you so much!

  4. Nathan Avatar

    Thanks for your site – and these videos – Kevin! I was in the row behind you, so it’s cool to get to watch these again! Kat was amazing last night. I hadn’t seen her since the promo tour for her debut, so it was great to see how much she’s grown as a performer. Again, thanks for keeping this site going!

  5. Kevin Avatar

    Thanks for the kind words, Nathan! Glad you enjoyed the show! It really was awesome. You’re right, she’s grown so much as a performer since the beginning! Hopefully she’ll come around here again soon.

  6. John Huddy Avatar
    John Huddy

    Cut, Print is a terrific song but more importantly KM moves wonderfully in the number and her costuming manages to be both sexy, stylish and feminine. I’m in the industry on multiple levels and can report there is a buzz about Katharine and a growing anticipation that she ‘ll be coming to LA in 2014. Her venues at this point are ideal as she fine tunes the concert act and gets ready for a breakout year. PostScript: the recent media fuss did Katharine no harm and accomplished something important: she’s no longer the wide-eyed ingenue.